
As we say above, this is mainly for friends and family. Michael's blog on the Middle East can be found here. Most of our other links can be found below on the right, but be sure to keep up as well with our family website, here. We also have discussion groups for genealogy, links to genealogical information on us, and our (semi-private) Flickr and YouTube accounts for those who are invited. You can also get a quick-navigation guide here.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving 2007.

The Turkey, originally uploaded by michaelcollinsdunn.

Here's the Turkey. A very Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends and relatives. We've recorded a message -- both video and audio -- which is on our private sites but is also being E-mailed to those whose current E-mails we have. The online version is higher quality than the E-mail version. A quiet, at-home Thanksgiving, but with us planning to show Sarah Philadelphia starting tomorrow. The rest from Tam:

Happy Thanksgiving from the cook! or cooks, more properly: Sarah helped by snapping the green beans, mixing, seasoning and tasting the stuffing, and stirring the mashed potatoes. Everything turned out well, although I'm really tired now! I hope we get a good night's sleep in store for Philly tomorrow. Maybe next year we will just order a meal to be picked up. It's a lot of work if you don't do it for more than a couple times a year.

Mike again: one update. If you're on our E-mail list you should have received a better link than the (really bad) E-mailed video. I posted it on an unlinked page of our website.

Tomorrow, we're off to Philadelphia. Conversation tonight with Sarah (a bedtime question of course, which all parents will recognize as an attempt not to go to sleep just yet if we can keep the conversation going):

Sarah: What will Philadelphia be like?

Me: Well, it's a big city, it...

Sarah: It has a lot of history?

Me: Yes, a lot of history, and it...

Sarah: And it's important because they made a movie there! [Again referring to National Treasure, noted previously as a favorite.]

Me: Well, yes, but a lot of that movie was here in Washington, the National Archives, the Library of Congress, the FBI, the ...

Sarah: Don't forget New York!

Anyplace is more interesting than Washington. Must be. She lives here.

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