
As we say above, this is mainly for friends and family. Michael's blog on the Middle East can be found here. Most of our other links can be found below on the right, but be sure to keep up as well with our family website, here. We also have discussion groups for genealogy, links to genealogical information on us, and our (semi-private) Flickr and YouTube accounts for those who are invited. You can also get a quick-navigation guide here.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Learning Curve

At times I wonder why I never hear from anyone in response to this blog: I've told a few dozen relatives, at least, about it by now. Perhaps some of you are "lurking" -- reading it but offering no comments either in the commment boxes or through E-mail -- or maybe you're new at reading blogs and don't want to show yourself. Fine. But several years ago when my cousin Steve Jones set up a genealogy newsgroup, we got several avid posters, a few occasional ones, and several who said they would join and never did. There is, I suspect, a lot more computer-reticence out there than we like to imagine in the age of the ipod and the iphone. I'm nearly 60, so I'm not exactly born to do this stuff, but then I work in publishing, where computers have been a key part of our existence for 30 years or so.

I urge those of you who aren't used to commenting on blogs or joining in newsgroups to take a chance. It can be a lot of fun. If you don't like it, just don't do it. A few days ago a distant cousin, now 88 with a husband of 91 -- descended from my grandfather's brother so a third cousin or something I think without calculating -- checked in after I located one of her relatives. (She's on my Jones side, my mother's side.) I invited her to join a genealogy newsgroup. Here is her candid answer (I won't identify her, but I've kept her emphasis and orthography):

I was so pleased to hear from you today. First I want to tell you I am computer illiterate. My son convinced me two years ago to learn email but so far I am too cowardly to learn all these things you are talking about. He tries and tells me they are easy and fun and my answer is no they are not!
At the time I was learning I was 86 years old and I told him I was too old to learn but he kept patting me on the back and saying "just calm down Mom. It is easy and it is fun" Well you already know what I said. I had never even typed in my life. I have to admit that most of the time it is. I hear from grand children and nieces and nephews that I ever did before. And now I hear from you.

I think that means she's glad to hear from me, but isn't going to join the newsgroup, comment on the blog, or anything of that ilk

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