
As we say above, this is mainly for friends and family. Michael's blog on the Middle East can be found here. Most of our other links can be found below on the right, but be sure to keep up as well with our family website, here. We also have discussion groups for genealogy, links to genealogical information on us, and our (semi-private) Flickr and YouTube accounts for those who are invited. You can also get a quick-navigation guide here.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Still Here, Sort of

We're back in our weekday pattern of not being able to blog. Sarah's pinkeye has persisted and spread to the other eye, so the doctor wants her home from summer camp through, at least, Thursday. That means Tam and I have been alternating taking days off work. When we're home, Sarah -- who despite being contagious and unable to go to school, has all the energy of a healthy seven year old and doesn't feel sick-- is a very demanding patient. Combine this with 100 degree tempeeratures outside (at midnight it's locally 87 with a heat index of 92, at midnight, so you can picture what the day was like) and we're trying to keep her inside and calm enough while medicating her. I've managed to do some work (this was my day home with her) but not much. Blogging is on hold till I have a few minutes. Stand by.

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